Recurse Center - Batch 1 - Week 2 - Noise to Signal

Week 2: Noise to Signal

Hello! This week I really felt like I made a lot of progress towards my goals. A lot of things came together in a really great way, and I can start to see how my overall approach to RC and what I'm studying is informing each other and interleaving in ways that I wanted it to.

This week I started by getting a lot of video lectures out of the way on Sunday, including the week 4 of fastai's deep learning course and ASPMA. That really set me up well to focus on programming for most of the week, instead of burning most of my time with lectures and fueling my anxiety that I'm not programming/making enough.

I also decided this week to try not to context switch as much - for now, I'm trying to still spend the mornings working on algorithms, but now I'll alternate days where I focus one day on ASPMA/audio signal processing and the other day on audio ML/fastai. I think it worked out really well this week, and made me feel less anxious to rush through something so I could switch to another related but contextually different tasks. So for this week I did ASPMA work on Monday and Wednesday, and audo ML work on Tuesday and Thursday. I found it successful, so I'm going to try it again next week!

This week I feel like I made a lot of progress in the audio ML front, combining some of the stuff I've been learning about in the ASPMA course into the work I've been doing with fastai's new audio library. In the ASPMA course, we learned about short-time Fourier transform and how its used to generate spectrograms. I was able to use some of that knowledge to try to make a real-time spectrogram generator from the microphone. It didn't turn out super well, and its something I want to master, so I think I'll take another crack at it next week.

Earlier in the week, I met with Marko Stamenovic, an RC alum who works professionally on audio ML at Bose. We had an amazing conversation about audio ML, some of the current topics in the field, areas to check out related to my interests, and what it would be like to work professionally in that field.

We talked about a lot of topics that I need to go back and check out, including:

For audio generation, Marko pointed me to: - WaveNet (DeepMind) - FFT Net (Adobe, Justin Saloman) - LPCNet (Mozilla)

He suggested first trying to genrate sine waves, then speech, then field recordings with these architectures.

Marko also told me to really focus on the STFT as its a fundamental algorithm in audio ML. He also mentioned that being able to do deployed real-time audo ML on the phone is very in-demand so that might be something I try to refocus on while at RC.

This week I was also able to finish my PR on fastai's audio library. The task at hand was creating a test to make sure spectrograms generated with the library always returned right-side up. I was able to use some of the skills I learned in the ASPMA class, specifically around generating an audio signal, in order to create a test case to create a simple 5hz signal, generate a spectrogram from that, and test to make sure the highest energy bin in that specgrogram was at the bottom. This was such a great moment where everything felt like it came together, and I only imagine that this will happen more and more :)

Finally, I did more MIT 6.006 lectures on algorithms. This week was sorting, including insertion sort, merge sort and heap sort. I particularly love heap sort! I also gave a small presentation on merge sort at RC as part of our Algorithms Study Group, which forced me to really dig into merge sort and understand how it works, including writing out its recursion tree. I love forcing myself into situations that make it guarenteed that I'll have to really focus and deeply understand something so that I can present it to others. I hope to do it more in the future.

For now, I think everything is moving well. I do want to realign what I'm working towards, and try to keep the bigger goals in mind of making something that generates sound. I do think though that the listening part of this is just as important, so I want to think about how to combine the two, because I do think they are both two sides of the same coin. I'll spend a bit more time thinking about that today and I'll hopefully have some idea forward before setting my goals for next week.