Recurse Center - Batch 2 - Cycle 20240926-20240928 - Attenuation
Day 1
As a way to get back into Data Strctures and Algorithms (DS+A) studying, I hopped into the #daily-leetcode channel and saw that there is a bot that posts a new problem a day, one from Leetcode explictly, and one from Grind75 / So I thought I'd start with that to slowly get my feet (fingers?) back into the water...
I worked on some Leetcode problems, which I haven't touched in...years?
I also researched some guides to get back into DS+A studying. Here are some resources for moving forward into the future:
I'm going to be publishing my DS+A study notes on this blog, as a single post for each category / topic. So you might see some posts called "Array" or "String" or "Matrices" that I plan on updating as I continue on with my studying, with code and key insights from some of the coding problems I do.
I had a nice chat with a fellow Recurser who shared that I might consider looking into seq2seq learning models in order to do some interesting voice synthesis, as it can learn a distribution of voices and re-generate voices from that distribution. Something to look into...
Finally I made some progress on my Speech Emotion Recogntion notebook that I hope to use for an upcoming class I'm proposing at ITP. More on that soon...
Day 2
Did more DS+A, with new Recurse friend Camille Rullan.
I also got pulled into an AI/ML study group that is working through the ARENA material. I'm excited to work with these folks, and get my self-study going towards my ASR project.
For next cycle, I'll be working through:
Read through at a high level the Week 0: Prerequisites
Watch and take notes on 3Blue1Brown - Essence of Linear Algebra videos
Work through Changlin's Basic Linear Algerbra exercises.
Get my env set up on Heap
Finally at the end of the day I worked a bit more on a personal project that I hope I can share more about soon ... ~~~~
Day 3:
I worked from home on Day 3 of my cycle, and reviewed some materials around ARENA, did a leetcode problem on matrices, and updated my personal website and this blog.
That's all for this cycle check-in!